Born in 2006, Namboga Agnes is a resident of Nakitokolo Village in Kitayita Parish of Namayumba Sub County. Agnes married with one boy child is a member and chairperson of Nakitokolo Fashion and Design (Tailoring) group as part of the groups formed during the implementation of the Economic Empowerment and Self reliance project for child mothers and young women at risk.
‘At first I did not take this serious because we have had several organizations mobilizing us to attend a number of trainings but out of nowhere, they disappear’. Agnes explaining why she was skeptical of joining the organization community trainings. She noted that during the mobilization phase, she was reached out to by the sub county woman councillor, but she was so hesitant to join as she stressed ‘It was the reason I didn’t attend the earlier activities but later joined after I got some testimonies from my peers who attended the first training’. Eshter further added.
From the point she became a member of the organization, Agnes has become one of the committed participants in the organization trainings activities and key community mobilizer. ‘It felt nice when the ELI-Ug programs officer reached out to me to mobilize fellow peers to attend the leadership training, I felt recognized amongst the many!’. Agnes stressing how she picked interest in taking part in the community trainings.
From that point, Agnes has demonstrated good leadership styles where she leads a team of over 50girls to take part in organization activities. ‘When I was requested to mobilize fellow girls for a training, I over did it and mobilized over 40 and I was surprised when girls turned up’ and that was the ground breaking point of her engagement with the organization. At this point Agnes was elected the group chairperson of Nakitokolo Fashion and Design (Tailoring) Group.
‘I am happy that our group has been formally recognized and registered with the SACCO and our names officially taken up as official group members’. Eshter expressed. She pointed out that by registering them as members of the SACCO has made the organization stand out unique from the rest that have tried to empower them in other community engagements as she stressed ‘This is more practical and promising’ Agnes added. Being the group chairperson, Agnes promised to keep the group cohesion and support her fellow peers to gain out of the income generating activities within the group formation.
Agnes a senior three drop out has expressed much interest and commitment in the organization activities and was one of the girls that expressed interest to resume school when given an opportunity. ‘I am a very ambitious woman and if I am given an opportunity to resume school, it will take me to greater heights and make me a productive member of my community’. Agnes further narrated. She has been a formidable force behind the big numbers of community girls attending community trainings and events, this was showcased when she mobilized over 60girls and males to welcome and receive Women First International team that visited Nakitokolo Parish Members in June 2023 as part of their field visit to project beneficiaries.
Eshter further pointed out ‘I hope the donors keep supporting us until we are financially self-reliant because this is a golden opportunity of awakening our hope’.
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