Participants in the training getting knowledge and skills in ways of earning, expenditure and saving. They were told to practice book keeping to track down tractions to keep records for […]
Child mothers and young women at risk in Nakedde parish during the Financial Literacy Training. The participants were equipped with knowledge in accountability, incomes and expenditure and book record keeping […]
Child mothers and young women at risk in Kitayita parish were registered in groups and linked to Namayumba Epicenter SACCO (NESACO) were they could save and also access loans for […]
Child mothers and young women at risk in Lutisi parish were equipped with financial knowledge and skills to apply while saving in their registered saving groups. They were taught the […]
Mr. Muyomba vicent from Namayumba Epicenter SACCO, (NESACCO) addressing the congregation on women’s day celebration, he said that “The high rates of teenage pregnancies and child marriages are mostly in […]
Extend A Life Initiative Uganda’s team on ground in the field to celebrate the women’s day with the child mothers and young women at risk in the fight to ending […]
The GFF consultant visited Extend A Life Initiate Uganda’s offices on 25/01/2024. She came to monitor the progress of the organization activities under the Girl First Fund. Mrs. Barya Grace […]
Child mothers in Kanziro parish show casing their Laundry Bar Soap made by their group called kyogaya women’s group in Muzizzi Village. They displayed their bars of soap and all […]
Extend A Life Initiative Uganda commemorated the international women’s day on 13/03/2024 in Nakedde parish, Namayumba sub-county, Wakiso district. The event was attended by child mothers and young women at […]
Family Planning services is one of the major tools for the child mothers to avoid repetitive and unwanted pregnancies. This helps them to concentrate on productive activities in the economic […]