The Girl First Fund Program Advisor Ms. Annette Ashaba Kobusingye visited Extend A Life Initiative Uganda to know about the progress of the organization program/project activities in the parishes of Namayumba sub-county. This was also to increase their collaboration, partnership and networking with the organization. The grant visit was also one of the annual check in of GFF to the organisation and also update it about their grant renewal.
The GFF advisor appreciated the work that the organisation is extending to the child mothers and young women at risk in the different parishes of Namayumba sub-county. The organisation also appreciated and extended a token of thanks to the GFF team for supporting the beneficiaries in the rural areas especially on the Economic Empowerment projects/activates were child mothers and young women at risk were able to create small income generating activities in Laundry Bar Soap in Muzizzi, Kanziro parish and Book making in Nantisi, Bembe parish. This is done by Kyogaya women’s group and Rising star women’s group respectively.

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