Extend a Life Initiative: One is Safe: All Safe


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Our Partner Success Stories and Articles

The organisation attended a press conference in collaboration with other stakeholders and the GFF partners. This conference was organized by Center for Violence Prevention (CEDOVIP). The programs officer attended the event and…
Extend A Life Initiative Uganda conducted a training to equip Health workers and Village Health Teams in Bembe parish. This was successfully done and the participants were updated with information on SRHR…
The Girl First Fund Program Advisor Ms. Annette Ashaba Kobusingye visited Extend A Life Initiative Uganda to know about the progress of the organization program/project activities in the parishes of Namayumba sub-county.…
In a bide to reduce child marriages in Bbembe parish, through economic empowerment program, child mothers and young women at risk identified book making as an income generating activity to reduce poverty…
Extend A Life Initiative Uganda strengthen its collaboration and partnership with Namayumba Epicenter (NESACO). They discussed about the registered saving groups in the SACCO and how they can help them in protecting…